Introducing yourself properly is one of the first things you learn when studying a new language. In A1 level German, a simple way to introduce yourself politely is by saying "Hallo, ich heiße Anna. Wie heißen Sie?", which means "Hello, my name is Anna. What is your name?" To sound more formal, you can add "Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen, bitte", which translates to "Pleased to meet you, please." Including "please in German" in such expressions makes your introduction more polite and well-received.
If you want to introduce yourself casually, you can say "Hi, ich bin Anna. Und du?", which means "Hi, I’m Anna. And you?" This is commonly used among friends or in informal settings. When meeting someone for the first time, it is also polite to ask "Wie geht es Ihnen, bitte?" (How are you, please?) to show interest in the conversation. Learning these polite expressions at the A1 level German stage helps you make a good first impression.
Additionally, a polite introduction often includes basic details about yourself. You can say "Ich komme aus Deutschland und ich bin Student", meaning "I am from Germany, and I am a student." Using these basic phrases with the correct structure ensures a smooth introduction while improving your confidence in everyday conversations.