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A riveting true story about one woman's struggle for survival and faith from 9/11. Based on the popular and emotional book, "Between Heaven and Ground Zero", this documentary focuses on Leslie Haskin's harrowing first hand account of being one of the last people to leave one of the crumbling twin towers and her remarkable journey afterward. From a loving Christian family, to chasing after wealth and power on the 36th floor of Tower One, to miraculously escaping ground zero, to being lost and homeless and then finally finding hope... this is a true story that will inspire and change everyone who experiences it. Personal interviews with Leslie Haskin, her family, her friends, her former co-workers, other survivors of 9/11, emergency workers and dramatic footage and re-enactments all weave together to re-create an event that forever changed the world - and altered so many lives. And that journey of cause and effect and new directions continues today. Is it possible to find hope and new life after such a devastating event?  Is it possible to be truly reborn?

Between Heaven & Ground Zero (DVD)


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